About Me

Peter is an engineer designer!

I'm Peter, residing in the beautiful state of California. I love biking and spending quality time outdoors with my family, exploring nature's wonders and enjoying the fresh air. These outdoor adventures not only keep me active but also inspire my creative work.

Professionally, I am a user interface designer with a strong background in software development. This unique combination allows me to bridge the gap between aesthetics and functionality, crafting interfaces that are both visually appealing and highly usable. I find great fulfillment in blending creativity with technical expertise, ensuring every project I undertake is completed with precision and innovation.

Beyond my professional endeavors, I am deeply committed to the values of kindness and understanding. These principles guide my interactions with others and shape my approach to life. I believe that empathy and compassion are essential in fostering positive relationships and creating a supportive community.

My journey as a creative engineer is driven by a desire to make a meaningful impact on the world. Whether it's through designing intuitive user experiences or contributing to innovative software solutions, I strive to leave a lasting, positive mark. Each project is an opportunity to combine my passion for design and technology with my dedication to making a difference.

In all aspects of my life, from my professional work to my personal pursuits, I aim to embody creativity, empathy, and excellence. My goal is to continue growing as a designer and developer while also contributing to a more understanding and compassionate world.

  • Photoshop
  • Figma
  • VSCode
  • UI Design
  • UX Design
  • Axure
  • Sketch